
Showing posts from April, 2017
Minute by minute 'Formative Assessments' These are some examples I used with my students from 'Learning in the fast lane' by S. Pepper Rollins.  According to Pepper Rollins (2014) it's to administer frequent ungraded assessments for formative purposes that focus on helping students learn rather than measure what they already learned (or didn't learn).  I agree with this statement as with these rich formative assessments students are able to identify their next learning steps, teachers can provide good feedback and feedforward to steer their students in the right direction, and students feel more confident to perform an activity or task knowing what they've achieved so far and what they still need to achieve.   I did the 'stick it dot' formative assessment for speech writing and this gave me a clear indication to take a workshop of 'WALT expand our ideas.'  From the workshop this gave the students more confidence and a clearer underst...

My name is 'INQUIRY' part 1

Reflection is such a vital part of being a teacher to know what went well in a lesson(s) and what could be improved for next time. Upon teaching my students the 'Inquiry Process' and building a learning wall to support their own inquiry learning, it came to my attention that students were still getting very confused about this whole thing about  INQUIRY.    Although the students helped create the learning wall based around an issue within our Manukorihi community, some students were still confused how to use the 'Inquiry Process' for their own inquiry investigations. According to J.Kellow 2012, the inquiry process and models are a guide however inquiry should never go through a step by step process.  I agree as the process we used was too controlled and rigid like J.Kellow 2012 suggested - where it lead the inquiry rather than the students themselves leading the inquiry.   From this, I decided to start again about INQUIRY . ...