Minute by minute 'Formative Assessments'

These are some examples I used with my students from 'Learning in the fast lane' by S. Pepper Rollins.  According to Pepper Rollins (2014) it's to administer frequent ungraded assessments for formative purposes that focus on helping students learn rather than measure what they already learned (or didn't learn).  I agree with this statement as with these rich formative assessments students are able to identify their next learning steps, teachers can provide good feedback and feedforward to steer their students in the right direction, and students feel more confident to perform an activity or task knowing what they've achieved so far and what they still need to achieve.  

I did the 'stick it dot' formative assessment for speech writing and this gave me a clear indication to take a workshop of 'WALT expand our ideas.'  From the workshop this gave the students more confidence and a clearer understanding of how to expand their ideas, and to support their learning, Sheena Cameron templates were used.

The examples of 'minute by minute formative assessments were shared in my presentation of the market space I lead which focused on 'Acceleration for learning.'  I posed the question 'What tools are we currently using in our class for formative assessment?'  After our great sharing of these I shared the examples and my colleagues that attended my market space wanted to try different examples of these.


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