Literacy Circles with Room 13

Jack's group showing lots of engagement in the 'Illustrator' role

My year 8 students were already equipped with the tools needed to achieve a literacy circle.  

Zoey and I thought it would be a wonderful idea for my year 8 students to model this to her class. 

Eva's group using the dictionaries and thesauruses in the 'Word Master' role

 Room 13 students knew what the expectations were while another student lead a group and we unpacked the WALT in student language to understand how they will benefit from this.

Room 13 students engaged in the learning

 All students showed brilliant respect to my year 8's as they were very nervous to start off with.  But after the first group, my year 8's showed confidence and Room 13 students were engaged in each 'role' rotation.

Sam's group (back corner) immersed in the 'Discussion Director' roled


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