Acceleration in Mathematics

According to Pepper Rollins (2014) Acceleration provides a fresh academic start for students every week and creates opportunities for struggling students to learn alongside their more successful peers.  I strongly agree as the maths activity I did with my stage 5 early additive group gave them more confidence to share their thinking and discuss their ideas with their peers when solving problems related to multiplication and division.



There was a need of my Stage 5 students to understand what the actual symbols of multiplication and division meant.  I decided to do an acceleration 'Sorting' activity exposing the students to maths language that also mean the same as the words 'multiplication and division.'

This created a lot of engagement as not only was it a fun hands on activity, the students had lots of opportunity to discuss and share their thinking of where to place the 'words' given.  They also provided examples to support their ideas which I was really pleased to see this happening.  For instance:  Mya said "I think this here 'shared between' goes under division because..."

Mya & Keda were continuously sharing their thinking

Keep sharing your thinking Chase, Phaelyn and Lucca.

Working as a team to achieve our WALT

Arata & Mania trying hard to sort 



  1. Acceleration is vital in order to see student achievement be successful. I like how the use of acceleration can better develop a learners understanding in particular learning areas of need. We are also plugging those gaps so that they too can become more successful.


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