Class Inquiry Model

Here is our own class 'INQUIRY' action model the students are currently using to support them in their learning to inquire.

We looked at a variety of inquiry models on the internet.  This helped us to brainstorm our very own actions where we were able to go from one action to another without any systematic order.  

After several weeks of using this we evaluated our class inquiry model - such as 'Did we need to add any other actions?'  Or 'Reword actions?'  Or take away actions as they weren't relevant for us as learners.  The students did add another action 'Collect Data' as they felt this was necessary because quite often they did student voice surveys and graphs to help them plan next steps for their inquiry investigation.

The students and I also added help idea prompts around each action to give them (students) even more support and direction around planning next steps for their inquires.  For example some 'Reflection' action help prompts were - What has worked well?  Have I got all my information I need?  Next steps?  The second image shows this.

An example shown above as to how the students could use our class inquiry actions is displayed on the learner tracker.  The learner tracker enables the learner to monitor his/her next steps of a chosen inquiry investigation.


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